The eggs of the worms (helminths): from birth until the appearance of species

Helminths – this is the scientific name of parasitic worms. How are the eggs of the worms, many people are interested in, because they become guests in our body. They live in the bodies of human, animals and plants. Most of these parasites by the time they have adapted to life in the open air, in the soil and in the water. Their eggs are in the earth, the water, and also "climb" in the air.

The female of the elminto

Some information about helminthiasis

Today studied more than 300 species of helminth, 70 of which live in our country. The world Health Organization has linked transmitted to the particularly important infections. The number of infected helminths may vary from 20 to 22 million people.

A helminth has decided to give the worms 3 classes:

  1. Flat worms (band) – very long, feeding on the blood of the host. Most often found in cattle and pork taenia, echinococcus.
  2. The nematodes (nematodes) – have different sizes, dioica. The most common are roundworms and ossiuri.
  3. Flukes – always bisexual biohelminths, on the head have a suction cup, with their help, the worm attaches to the organs of the host. He refers to schistosomiasis, and others.

The presence of worms is dangerous for several major reasons:

  • the parasites are capable of inflicting mechanical damage on internal organs;
  • cause disorders of the metabolism;
  • waste products of helminths are poisoning the host organism;
  • the presence of helminths capable of causing other diseases.

Helminths lay eggs, which come in a man's body at the bottom of the food through (with food or water), or in the case of non-compliance with rules of hygiene.

Description the appearance and the structure of the most famous worms

Helminths Appearance The structure
Ossiuri They are small, round worms, white in color, and usually their size is not more than 1 cm. On the front part of the body ossiuri is vesicle. With his help helminth fixed to the inside of the intestine, causing mechanical damage. The other end of the worm pointed. Hence the name pinworm.
Worm Fairly large worm, a length of about 20 cm long and 6 mm. the Female is much larger than the male. It is red-white with its curved tail. The body worm-covered durable cuticle, which does not dissolve the gastric juice. The seat, the end of a worm has the mouth, around the mouth, the three lips.

Once the mouth is open in the body of a worm is the esophagus and the intestine, consisting of a straight tube. The parasite remains only swallow finished the food and absorb her.

Trichuris trichuris The little worm. Length reaches 5 cm and of a width not thicker than a human hair, not more than 0.5 mm. Has the tip, it clings to them for the mucous membranes. The front end of the elminto (3-5 cm), diluted up to a thickness of a human hair. The rear end thicker than the front. In it resides the intestines. The female in the back there are the uterus.
Toxocara Size Toxocara up to 10 cm in length. The males are smaller.


Toxocara – worm of a white colour. Its body is elongated, reminiscent of the thin cylinder. Opening of the mouth has three lips.
Trichinella Refers to the round worms of small size. Of a length not exceeding 5 mm. The main feature of the structure is a one-sided gastrointestinal tract.
Toro tapeworm (sample) The worm is very large. He has a long body in the form of a tape. How many meters of length reaches bullish tapeworm?! Has gigantic dimensions of up to 30 meters! Scolex (head) has 4 strong suction cups, without nails. The head of the tapeworm is small. On the neck grow members, their number is from 1 to 2 thousand. The uterus is developed, it is full of clear eggs. Not an adult, the tapeworm members are separated, move in with the stool or only outside from the intestine.
Pork tapeworm


Its structure is very similar to the bullish tapeworm. But the size of it most times less tapeworm, beef – not more than 3-5 m. Pork tapeworm called the armed tapeworm. Has on the head as well as 4 suckers, has 32 hooks. Members of the tapeworm are about 50 thousand eggs.
Tapeworm wide Still a long worm, its length can be more than 10 m. The body of a worm consists of a small flat head, no more than 5 mm. Two sides are long floors slit-sucker. Their worm clinging to the intestinal wall.
Echinococcus Belongs to a class of tapeworm, helminth of small size. On his head there are hooks and suction cup. Echinococcus is composed of 3-4 segments. "Armed" parasite suckers, and kryuchyami. In the segments of the parasite are the sexual organs, and in the third the eggs. They separate their members, and those have the ability to move independently.
Opisthorchiasis small Small worm, up to a size of 1, see On the head of an oral sucker. The worm has 2 suction cups, which is fixed on a smooth surface. There is an oral and abdominal sucker. From the mouth of the suction cup should be sip, and behind her, the esophagus and the intestine. In the back-end of the parasite is the secretory organ of the body.
Liver Fluke

Characteristics of the life cycle of worms

The duration of life of the period of the worm is different. For some it may last a year or two, and other parasites more than 10-15 years! Then between helminths there are centuries ' old. For example, ossiuri live not long, not more than 6 months. The fertility of them is pretty high. Due to the fact that the eggs ossiuri are very light, may also be in the air that we breathe.

The eggs of roundworms and lander module enter the body through food

Ascaris and trichuris trichuris live more than 2 years. The first live up to 2 years, and the last one for 3-4 years. But it is not the most frightening numbers!!!

But the record between the worms, that cause huge damage in the human body is the pork tapeworm. His life up to 20-30 years!

Experts, it is proposed that the different experiences and experiments over the worms, they concluded that the temperature of the habitat affects the behavior of the elminto. Increase of the body temperature of the patient Ascaris spontaneously leaves the body. So at a temperature of 40°With the activity of the worm is increased several times.

The lowering of the temperature of the environment is of elminto take note – the discharge from the body.

One of the methods of disinfection is a range of temperature of treatment. For example, for the dead fish parasite, it is sufficient to cook for 30 minutes. Frost with different temperature mode to accelerate the treatment process. At a temperature of -15°With the freezing time – 30 days. When -35°C – 10 hours.

How many degrees to disinfect the product? Eggs of ascaris die to +55°C. the Processing of the toys in the water at a temperature of +70°C will take a couple of seconds.

The deposition of the eggs of the helminth

Most of the parasites lay eggs, but among them there are and viviparous helminths. These are trichinella.

As they seem to eggs of helminths you can learn only with the help of a microscope. What kind of worms "solved" in a person, it is possible to define after having examined their eggs. And the larva can be considered with the naked eye.

The female of the elminto remains in the body up to the moment of fertilization and the time of gestation of the offspring

How many eggs can postpone the female of the elminto – door horror. Toxocara is able one day, to postpone 250 thousand eggs. Among other things, the larvae and the eggs of the worms are very tenacious of adult individuals. The females of some worms die after having laid the eggs, it just so happens ossiuri.

Parasites of any class in the way they live, breed and lay eggs. For example, biohelminth to mature the eggs and larvae in the host body (cow, cat, dog). For example, biohelminth pork tapeworm. If the human body has hit the larva, and then grows sample in the department of the small intestine. In the case of infection the eggs of the tapeworm situation is even worse. Migrate throughout the body, and can settle in any organ of the body. The geohelminths eggs and larvae must mature outside the host organism, in the soil. The eggs of ascaris develop into worms in the small intestine. And in good condition with the blood flow to the eggs (larvae) ascaris migrate to all the organs.

Helminths Description of eggs The number of masonry The length of maturation
Ossiuri Eggs ossiuri oval or irregular. Sheath smooth, it is made up of several layers, colorless. In fertilized eggs already a larva. For once not ossiuri mature more than 10-15 thousand eggs. After laying the eggs the female, the larva in their mature after 6-8 hours.
Worm An egg is not fertilized, it has a shape elongated oval shape. The outer sheath, dense, with small strokes. The eggs full of yellow cells. The daily shows more than 250 thousand eggs. After 2-3 weeks of the fertilized eggs become invasive.
Trichuris trichuris The eggs of this parasite has the shape of a barrel, sheath his layered and transparent. The inside the eggs has small grains. 3500 immature eggs per day You need 2 weeks for the maturation of the larvae.
Toxocara Eggs with the finely irregular sheath. 200 thousand eggs per day. After a few days the larvae mature into eggs. Become invasive.
Trichinella Size larvae of 0.1 mm. For 2 months the female gives birth to more than 2000 larvae. Female trichinella create live worms.
Toro tapeworm (sample) The egg-shaped oval bubble grey in colour, it has two buds. The cyst contains about 200 thousand eggs. If in the body of the cyst not only that, the number of eggs is enormous. The finns in the muscles keep it alive for 3 years.
Tapeworm wide Eggs oval in shape, covered with smooth liner color yellow. From the top egg – cover, under the cusp. Every day the man with the stool highlight a couple of million eggs. After 2-3 days the eggs will form a larva.

The dwelling helminth out of the man

Helminths can live not only in humans and in organisms, pets, and even outside of the host. For example, giardia settle in the cats in the upper part of the intestine, as well as their degree of detect river fish (sea bream, tench).

Eggs of parasites ossiuri are so easy, that you are able to stay in the air. Infected helminths can be and the water. She gets infected from the diseased soil. From the infected water that they live in the fish pond.

On the plants helminths are also. On their parassitano only nematodes. Affecting the roots and tubers of plants, and also the stems and the leaves. The infection can the food – master swallows the eggs of the worms with food. If the product pour boiling water, then the eggs and the larvae die.

The larvae of the worms

The life cycle of the elminto for example ossiuri

In the human body, pinworm lives in the few bowel: department of the small intestine, the cecum, the colon and the upper part of the colon.

Invasion induced for man is the egg with the cylinder. Is infected the master of the house is fecal-oral through. The larva is released from the shell of the egg in the small intestine and migrates to places of localization. Following the process, the so-called moulting, after which the larva becomes Mature here.

Helminths — multicellular parasites

After mating the males die, excreted with the feces. In the meantime, the female with the help of the vesicle attaches to the intestinal mucosa, in their mature eggs. They are very prolific in their uterus mature more than 10-15 thousand eggs. The ripening of the eggs, the female moves towards the anal vent. The female goes beyond the depths of night, when the muscles of the anus relaxed. Gattona in skin folds external genitalia. The muscles of the vagina of the female to relax, and begins the selection of the eggs. On the surface of the skin of the host body the most favorable conditions: the temperature, the humidity, the oxygen. As it is maturing the egg?

After 6-8 hours inside of the egg, outside of man, form the larvae become invasive.

Via the female dies, dries, forming a clot. From its movement of the folds occurs itching. The master of the house is combing this area. On the hands and under the nails have emerged the eggs of the parasite. Then there are several ways:

  • Sick, not respecting the rules of personal hygiene, you are infected again. Take the breakfast with unwashed hands.
  • Sick, the infected hands touches home goods, toys, door handles, and so forth, infecting the members of his family.

Remember that in a myriad of no helminth is not able to reproduce and grow. The egg or larva must make a cycle: the master of the house, land and air-the master of the house.